Engineering Calculators
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Dehumidifier Selection Calculator
Review the methodology to ensure it aligns with your project's requirements.
Enter Units: Pints/day, BTU/h, or kW
Use Slider to select the required capacity.
A list of dehumidifier options will populate the table.
In the results table, clicking on one of the "Manufacturer & Model" buttons will bring you to the manufacturer's specification sheet.
Methodology & Equations:
Although dehumidifiers are rated in units of Pints/day, engineers must often select dehumidifiers given the latent load in either BTU/h or kW. Using Adicot's calculator, you can enter the dehumidifier capacity in Pints/day, BTU/h, or kW. Regardless of your input, this calculator will select a dehumidifier based on the methodology and equations below. This calculator was developed out of necessity due to the limited number of tools engineers have to size dehumidifiers. This calculator is recommended to be used as a preliminary equipment selection tool, and the final equipment selection should be verified with the manufacturer and engineer.
The calculator selects dehumidifier(s) based on the manufacturer's rated Pints/day capacity. Users can enter the capacity in Pints/day, Btu/h, or kW.
If the user enters the capacity in Btu/h, the calculator first converts that capacity to Pints/day using the equation:
Pints/day = BTU/h / 1.04 lb/pint x 24 hrs/day / 1055 BTU/lb
Example: The space has an excess latent load of 4,100 BTU/h. Convert this value to Pints/day
Pints/day = 4,100 BTU/h / 1.04lb/pint x 24 h/day / 1055 BTU/lb = 90 Pints/day
Similarly, if the user enters the capacity in kW, the calculator first converts that capacity to pints per day using the equation:
Pints/day = kW x 3412.142 BTU/h / kW / 1.04 lb/pint x 24 hrs/day / 1055 BTU/lb
Example: The space has an excess latent load of 1.2 kW. Convert this value to Pints/day
Pints/day = 1.2 kW x 3412.142 BTU/h / kW / 1.04lb/pint x 24 h/day / 1055 BTU/lb = 90 Pints/day
The pints per day are then compared to the manufacturer's literature to provide a list of matching dehumidifier(s). The dehumidifiers shown will meet and/or exceed your entered capacity.
Results are at 80°F / 60% RH Entering Air