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Cooling Load Sanity Check
Screenshot of Cooling Load (Sanity) Check Demonstration Video


Review the methodology to ensure it aligns with your project's requirements.

  1. Select US or Metric Units.

  2. Enter the project area.

  3. Select the building type from the dropdown menu. We encourage you to try different building types to see the full possible range of cooling loads and to better hone in on the correct result for your project. 

  4. The results will appear in the table.


The calculator computes the Occupants, Lighting, and Refrigeration based on the building type and the building's square footage.  Some building types will result in a range of results, while some will provide singular results for lighting, occupancy, and refrigeration.  We encourage you to review the Building Type list and try different building types to understand the possible range and hone in on the best result for your project. 

Welcome to Adicot's Cooling Load Ballpark Estimator, where precision meets practicality. This powerful tool is designed to quickly and reliably estimate cooling load requirements for various spaces. Whether you're an HVAC professional, an architect, or a building owner, our calculator offers a quick way to get a pre-design ballpark estimate of your cooling load before a full analysis has been performed or to compare with your load calculation results.


The calculator is not intended to replace a proper load calculation but instead gives an insight into a range of what other buildings of the same type have historically installed for refrigeration, occupancy, and lights and equipment.  These estimates do not consider any of the customary inputs used in a load calculation; for example, building materials efficiencies, geographic location, building orientation, number of windows, etc.   When using this calculator, consider that as buildings become more efficient and lighting and equipment become more efficient, the watts and tons will trend lower. 

This information was adapted from ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook and other various sources.


©2014-2024 by Adicot, Inc.

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Adicot, Inc.'s calculators are intended for professionals. The engineer(s) designing these calculators use their best efforts to provide accurate results. Adicot, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, concerning the information contained on this website. The information presented on this website shall be used by professionals who understand the implications of the results. If professional services are required, please consult a licensed professional engineer in your location, as building codes differ based on differing jurisdictions. The author and publisher shall not be liable in the event of damages of any kind in connection with, or arising from, the use of the information contained within this website.



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